March 1997 - Bridging the GAP - Page 8

Bridging the GAP

Bridging the GAP is the newsletter of 

The Great Ape Project-International 
PO Box 19492 
Portland, OR 97280-0492 
Oregon, USA 

Messages will be passed on to local coordinators. 

Newsletters are also posted on GAP-International's Web site:

Editor: Mike Garner 

(c) Great Ape Project-International 
Material from this newsletter can be copied and distributed for non-profit purposes as long as it is attributed to Great Ape Project-International. 


Please send donations to your national GAP or to GAP-International. 
Visa payments should be in Australian dollars. (AUS$ 1 = US$ 0.74 approx.) 
A facility for credit card payments in US dollars will be available soon. 


If you prefer your GAP news by eco-friendly e-mail, send a message to:

Continued from Page 1

Peter Singer Visits NZ

During a month as a Visiting Fellow at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, earlier this year, Peter Singer took the opportunity to speak about the GAP. 

He gave a well-attended public lecture, titled Bridging the Gap, and a talk on The Concept of a Person in Ethics and Law to staff and students from the law faculty. He urged that the law recognise that there can be persons who are not human beings, the other great apes being the most obvious examples. 


EXPO2000 Bid

GAP-International put in a bid for an exhibit at the Hanover EXPO 2000 world exhibition. The idea was to use video-projection technology to give visitors the 'experience' of eye-to-eye contact with life-size orangutans, gorillas, bonobos and chimpanzees. Our first application was unsuccessful, but we intend to try for another category. 


Canada: Sci-Fi Prize

Great Apes Canada, in cooperation with The Orangutan Foundation and Seem Real Theatre produced three radio plays for the Vancouver station CFRO-FM, collectively titled: An Infinite Trilogy

INSIDE, a 10-minute drama about aliens collecting a 'great ape set', was broadcast on Halloween, 1996. BIG TIME, the 12-minute second play about Big Foot replacing the Great Apes, was broadcast in May. UN FAIR, the third part of the trilogy, 16 minutes of fun and terror at a theme park in an apeless world, will be broadcast later this year. 

An Infinite Trilogy took third prize in the American Society for Science Fiction Audio's 1997 Mark Time Award contest and has been broadcast on various US radio stations. 

To hear An Infinite Trilogy, e-mail us, or contact Great Apes Canada, 849 East 4th Street, North Vancouver, British Columbia, V7L 1K3, Canada. 


Taiwan: Lobby Against Chimpanzee Lab

The Life Conservationist Association (LCA) is promoting GAP's aims in Taiwan. 

Last year, the LCA campaigned against plans to set up a chimpanzee research laboratory in Taiwan. Those plans have now been dropped. 


Germany: In The Media

GAP has been discussed in various forums in Germany. 

Last October, the national TV network ZDF's children's programme, PUR, had a report on great-ape intelligence, a presentation of the GAP, and an interview with Jane Goodall, all accompanied by a brochure with contact addresses, further information, and a reading list. 

In May, SPIEGEL TV's Reportage dealt with great-ape intelligence, including a visit to Monkey World (see pages 2-3), and a short interview with GAP's Karin Karcher. 

In June, Mephisto-Radio in Leipzig broadcast an hour-long interview on GAP with Theo Baumgärtner, GAP's other German coordinator. 

In May, SFB radio in Berlin had a 30-minute interview with Karin Karcher. 


In October, 1996, GAP's Austrian coordinator, Helmut Kaplan, spoke in Hamburg at a weekend seminar on animal rights. 

In December, 1996, Karin Karcher gave a talk on GAP at the Law faculty of the University of Hamburg. 

In May, Karin Karcher gave a talk on GAP as part of a two-semester seminar on speciesism and the GAP at the University of Leipzig. 


Third International Conference on Great Apes of the World, Sarawak, 1998 

Will any GAP supporters wanting to attend and perhaps speak at a session on ethics and apes please e-mail Peter Singer at

New Encyclopedia 

GAP members contributed articles to the Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, edited by Marc Bekoff and Carron A. Meaney, to be published by Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, early in 1998. 

GAP: the Book 

The Great Ape Project: Equality Beyond Humanity, edited by Paola Cavalieri and Peter Singer.  

The UK Edition is sold out!  

US Edition, 1994.  
Publisher: St Martin's Press, New York, 
US$ 14.50 inc. P&P in North America 
US$ 16.50 inc. P&P elsewhere 
Send cheque or international money order to: The Great Ape Project-USA, PO Box 19492, Portland, OR 97280-0492, Oregon, USA 

German Edition, 1994.  
Published by Goldmann. Menschenrechte für die Großen Menschenaffen "The Great Ape Project"  
40/18 DM inc P&P within Germany 
42/20 DM inc P&P within Europe 
Other destinations - please write. 
Send a Eurocheque to: Great Ape Project, Postfach 616234, D-22450 Hamburg, Germany 

"GAP is the Key" T-shirts 

T-shirts with Tom Weatherhead's design are available from 
Contact us for details now! 

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